Notice for People Who Want to Contact Us Using Yahoo or Hotmail Email Address |
For people who want to contact us for any questions or want to order Complete Do-It-Yourself Package from us, if your email address is Yahoo email or Hotmail, or your account's email address is Yahoo email or Hotmail, PLEASE ADD the following email address into your email's Contacts folder (contact list or address book), to avoid our replying email to be put into your email's spam folder or junk mail folder incorrectly, and to make sure you can get our replying email or ordered package from us:
To understand more about how to avoid legitimate emails being put into Yahoo email or Hotmail's spam folder or junk mail folder, please read the following Question & Answer from
Q1: How do I ensure that legitimate emails I want to receive are not marked up as spam and sent to my spam folder?
A: Two ways to help us prevent messages from being identified as spam are:
Clicking the "Not Spam" button after selecting a message that's not spam in your Spam folder.
Adding the sender to your Contacts folder (contact list or address book).
Q2: How can I remove a legitimate email from my Spam folder?
A: Select the email and click on the 'Not Spam' button and it will be moved automatically out of the Spam folder into your Inbox. This will also ensure that any emails from this sender in the future will be delivered to your inbox.
Q3: How do I make sure that these are not marked up as Spam next time?
A: Select the email and click on the 'Not Spam' button or add the sender to your Contacts list. That way, if another email comes from the same sender SpamGuard Plus won't put it into your Spam folder.
Also, for Hotmail, a lot of hotmail users use the "high" junk filter that will check to see if an e-mail address is in the user's address book, and if not, the coming email goes to junk mail folder.
Q4: Why have I not received any e-mail from Family Green Card Service?
A: Some e-mail providers use filters to ensure that users do not receive spam (junk e-mail). In some cases those filters can prevent our e-mails from getting through to your email inbox.
The majority of providers that offer such filters generally provide the user with the option to turn the filter on or off. Our e-mail address should be added to your personal contact, address book, "Safe", or "People I Know" (for AOL users) list.
For instance, if Hotmail sends our e-mail message to your Junk Mail box, you can tell Hotmail to add our email addresses to your Safe List or to send it to your inbox.
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