How Long Does My Mother Has to
Leave the U.S. Before She Can Enter U.S. Again?

Help Desk:

My mother has a multiple entry visitor B-2 visa, and she is in U.S. now to visit us for the next six months. I want to now how long does she has to leave the U.S. before she can enter U.S. again?

Answer: There is no written rule about this. If your mother wants to stay beyond the initial six months, it is best for your mother to apply for an extension of the B-2 visa while she is still in U.S., so to avoid to leave U.S. at the end of the six months. 

If your mother leaves U.S. at the end of the six months and then returns to U.S. frequently, the border officers may have more questions during the inspection time, or may decide to deny the B-2 visa holder's entry. So if your mother wants to stay longer, she should be prepared to get an extension application in time.

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